We know there are tons of websites that show New Jersey Maps and Newspapers. Today we want to highlight some of the resources you would find in our collections.
- New Jersey Historical Maps Portal: https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/portals/njmaps/
- Historical Maps of New Jersey: http://mapmaker.rutgers.edu/MAPS.html
- Newspaper Blog: https://blogs.libraries.rutgers.edu/njdnp/
- New Jersey Newspapers: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=New+Jersey&dateFilterType=yearRange&date1=1789&date2=1963&language=&ortext=&andtext=&phrasetext=&proxtext=&proxdistance=5&rows=20&searchType=advanced
Have any questions? You are welcome to contact us at scua_ref@libraries.rutgers.edu or on social media.