New and Notable: Recent New Jersey Acquisitions



These items have been or will soon be added to the Sinclair New Jersey Collection in Special Collections and University Archives.

Abramson, Todd. Young, Fast, and Scientific zine, nos. 1 and 2 (Gillette, NJ: 1978 and 1979)  

Bobbink and Atkins. Roses. (Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink and Atkins, 1929)

Congoleum-Nairn. Congoleum-Nairn 1941 trade catalog. (Kearny, NJ: Congoleum-Nairn, Inc., 1941)

Englewood Institute for Young Ladies, Englewood, Bergen County, New Jersey catalog (Englewood, NJ: 1864)

Paterson Rambling Club. Songs. (Paterson, NJ: Paterson Rambling Club, 1913)

Pickaninny Club Minstrel Show, at the Berkeley Lyceum, in Aid of the Daisy Fields Hospital for Crippled Children (1896)

Schrabisch, Max. Indian Vestiges in Garrett Mountain Reservation: A Series of Three Articles (Paterson, NJ: The Passaic County Park System, Lambert Castle, Garrett Mountain Reservation, 1939)