These items have been or will soon be added to the Sinclair New Jersey Collection in Special Collections and University Archives.
A selection of fine press books:
Anderson, John. The Words of the Masters, Reflections on the Fine Art of Type Design. (Maple Shade, NJ: The Pickering Press, 1982). Wood engravings by John DePol.
Anderson, Ruthmae. Adventures of Billy Bird. (Maple Shade, NJ: The Pickering Press, 1984.) Wood engravings by John DePol.
DePol, John. Monroe Causley. (New York: The Typophiles, 1996)
Ellis, Mrs. Havelock. Stories by Mrs. Havelock Ellis. (Free Spirit Press, 1924)
Fraser, James,ed. George Linen 1802-1888: An Exhibition of Portraits (Maple Shade, NJ: The Pickering Press, 1983).
LeGallienne, Richard. Wood Flower. (Madison, NJ: Brayers Club, 1947)
A Pickering Potpourri. (Maple Shade, NJ: The Pickering Press, 1983) Illustrations by John Anderson.
Types, Magnificent Embellishers of the Printed Word. (Maple Shade, NJ, The Pickering Press, 1981)
Bolshevik, No. 1. (Jersey City, NJ: Revolutionary Workers League, May 1976)
New Jersey Books, 1694–1900: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Joseph J. Felcone Collection. (Princeton: Joseph J. Felcone Inc., 2023)
Ahimsa: Worldwide Magazine of Veganism. (Malaga, NJ: American Vegan Society, May/June 1975)
The Loving Brotherhood Newsletter. (Sussex, NJ: TLB, 1977-1978). Seventeen-issue run.